This may be the easiest of the reverb 10 prompts thus far, partially because the answer to this question is rather immediate for me. Even though it's been a stressful and often times confusing year, there are many ways in which I still cultivate wonder in my life. It is, in many ways, when my mind is unfogged, a natural state of being for me.
For some reason, when I thought of wonder, I thought of the Portland, Maine Farmer's Market held every Saturday at Deering Oaks Park. I love going to this incredible farmer's market. The vegetables and flowers are stunning, and I often walk around as if in a trance, collecting new delights in my big old bag. The other reason I think the farmer's market came to mind is because I often take photographs at the farmer's market and the process of photography always provokes a sense of wonder for me. When I got my new iphone in September, the first app I downloaded was the hipstamatic, a camera function that mimics old processes. I LOVE taking photos with my fancy digital camera, but I love the surprising results I often get with my hipstamatic more. I'll include some of them below so you can see what I mean.
I would also say that in some ways teaching provides a sense of wonder, because I always wonder how my students will react to the material I present, and how they will reckon with it in their own writing. Sometimes I do marvel at what they come up with, in good and bad ways. But I also think the very act of teaching, at its best, is the process of cultivating a sense of wonder in your students. And I work hard at this. Very hard--with varying degrees of success depending upon the topic, and the students.
While I am guilty as the next person regarding getting into routines and habits and living in my own little bubble, I've not yet lost my sense of wonder--and for that, I'm grateful. It's easy to get back. I can wander by the ocean. I can open a book. I can start taking pictures. I can teach something I'm passionate about. It all works.
As an afterthought, I also started canning for the first time this year, and that was totally wonder provoking. A satisfying sense of I made this, and it's lovely.
oh, I love a good farmer's market too! Your pictures are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteSo vivid!