Top 5 movies I saw this month [in no particular order]:
Slumdog Millionaire
Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day
Wall-E [I love this movie--really--I think I just love Wall-E]
5 movies I wanted to see this year but haven't yet: [Have you seen them? Are they good?]
Rachel Getting Married
Happy Go Lucky
Gran Torino
Revolutionary Road
Vicky Christina Barcelona
The Wrestler
[Okay, that's 7....]
5 movies I saw this year that really made me laugh:
Role Models
Pineapple Express
Zach and Miri Make a Porno
Mamma Mia [even though it was silly]
Tropic Thunder [even though it was ridiculous]
Number of Movies on Moviefone's 50 Best Movies of 2008 that I have seen: 18
Conclusion: I love to go to the movies.
Okay, enough movie lists.
5 Books I'm reading right now:
Artie Lang, Too Fat To Fish [Yes, I am a faithful Stern Show Listener]
Gregory David Roberts, Shantaram
JK Rowling, Tales of Beedle the Bard
Donna Cassidy, Marsden Hartley: Race, Region, and Nation
Shawn Michelle Smith, Photography on the Color Line: WEB Dubois, Race, and Visual Culture
My Favorite Blogs to Read:
Perez Hilton
Tales of a Postdoc Nothing
Sweetpea Cooks
All of the Historical Site Visit Blogs my History of Maine Students Made [they're great].
Five Favorite Things I Ate Over the Extended Holiday Season:
Pumpkin Chiffon Pie
Homemade Cranberry Sauce
Blueberry Gingerbread
My Mom's Iced Sugar Cookies
The Deep-Fried Thanksgiving Turkey
The Best Christmas Card of 2008:
Morgan Lake Adams and Tim Schneider's 2008 Lexicon
The Ten Best Places I Visited in Maine this Year [Okay, 11]:
Acadia National Park
Fort Scammel on House Island
Moosehead Lake
Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village
Peaks Island
Fort McClary in Kittery
The Victoria Mansion in Portland
The Andre Kertesz show at the Portland Museum of Art [also the O'Keeffe show rocked!]
Sebago Lake State Park [our campsite was amazing]
Abbe Museum[s] in Bar Harbor and Sieur de Monts
Admiral Peary's House, Eagle Island
My favorite Local Maine Restaurants of 2008: [in this order]
Local 188, Portland [for brunch]
Frog and Turtle, Westbrook, if it wasn't so pricy, I'd eat there more often. Mmmm French-Canadian Fusion
The Treehouse Cafe [great sandwiches--right across from USM Gorham--glad they moved in]
Rosemont [Great Bakery and Local Foods on the way to USM Portland]
DuckFat [Fries were sublime]
Bangkok Thai
Bintliff's [love their pancakes]
Magazines/Journals I currently subscribe to [and wish I had time to read]:
The New Yorker
US Weekly
Maine History
Databases I wish the USM Library Could Afford:
Books Assigned this semester that resulted in the best overall papers from my students:
Sarah Orne Jewett's Country of the Pointed Firs
James McPherson's For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War
Leon Litwack's Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery
Best New Recipes I tried this year: [Ask if you want them]
Blueberry Gingerbread
Grilled Chicken With Blueberry Salsa
Thai Lettuce Wraps with Spicy Pork and Pineapple
Downeast Pumpkin Bread
Pumpkin Chiffon Pie
Most Unique Party We Attended:
Morgan and Tim's Hard Cider Tasting
Best 2008 Moment:
Obama's Election
Best Consequence of a Shitty Economy:
The lowest gas prices in recent memory [at one point in 2008, it cost me $54 to fill up the subaru--now it's $23]
Ten Most Listened to Songs in my Itunes [for 2008]:
Artist, Song
Sufjan Stevens, Casmir Pulaski Day
Alexi Murdoch, All of My Days
The Decemberists, My Mother Was a Chinese Trapeze Artist
Adele, Hometown Glory
The Decemberists, Here I Dreamt I was an Architect
Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, Alone Apart
Sia, Breathe Me
Bon Iver, Skinny Love
Fire, Augustana
Varied David Sedaris Spoken Word Stories
Best thing I started Listening to Religiously this year:
This American Life [Better Late then Never]
Favorite TV Shows I Started Watching this Year:
Gossip Girl
Friday Night Lights

Happy 2009 to All!
Addendum Lists [After Reading Megan's]
Things I'm most grateful for this year:
Getting a tenure-track job [that technically happened in 2007, but started in 2008]
No melanoma recurrences
Our lovely new home
My super husband
My family
Kate moving back to the east coast ;)
A continuing friendship with Jonathan and Chris from Santa Fe
Things I'm most proud of this year:
My ever-increasing knowledge about Maine
Getting 2 new fellowships [and maybe more]
Deciding to move on from revising my dissertation and work on my new book instead
Sticking to [most of the time] Steve's budget
My favorite Local Maine Restaurants of 2008: [in this order]
Local 188, Portland [for brunch]
Frog and Turtle, Westbrook, if it wasn't so pricy, I'd eat there more often. Mmmm French-Canadian Fusion
The Treehouse Cafe [great sandwiches--right across from USM Gorham--glad they moved in]
Rosemont [Great Bakery and Local Foods on the way to USM Portland]
DuckFat [Fries were sublime]
Bangkok Thai
Bintliff's [love their pancakes]
Magazines/Journals I currently subscribe to [and wish I had time to read]:
The New Yorker
US Weekly
Maine History
Databases I wish the USM Library Could Afford:
Books Assigned this semester that resulted in the best overall papers from my students:
Sarah Orne Jewett's Country of the Pointed Firs
James McPherson's For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War
Leon Litwack's Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery
Best New Recipes I tried this year: [Ask if you want them]
Blueberry Gingerbread
Grilled Chicken With Blueberry Salsa
Thai Lettuce Wraps with Spicy Pork and Pineapple
Downeast Pumpkin Bread
Pumpkin Chiffon Pie
Most Unique Party We Attended:
Morgan and Tim's Hard Cider Tasting
Best 2008 Moment:
Obama's Election
Best Consequence of a Shitty Economy:
The lowest gas prices in recent memory [at one point in 2008, it cost me $54 to fill up the subaru--now it's $23]
Ten Most Listened to Songs in my Itunes [for 2008]:
Artist, Song
Sufjan Stevens, Casmir Pulaski Day
Alexi Murdoch, All of My Days
The Decemberists, My Mother Was a Chinese Trapeze Artist
Adele, Hometown Glory
The Decemberists, Here I Dreamt I was an Architect
Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, Alone Apart
Sia, Breathe Me
Bon Iver, Skinny Love
Fire, Augustana
Varied David Sedaris Spoken Word Stories
Best thing I started Listening to Religiously this year:
This American Life [Better Late then Never]
Favorite TV Shows I Started Watching this Year:
Gossip Girl
Friday Night Lights
Biggest Life Changes:
Starting a Tenure-Track Job and Buying a "Grown-up" House
Most Interesting and Picturesque Place I Visited this Year:
Aghada, County Cork, Ireland.
Most Interesting and Picturesque Place I Visited this Year:
Aghada, County Cork, Ireland.
Favorite Things About Our New House:
It's in the White Rock Section of Gorham [rural, granges, cows, old barns, etc].
The kitchen is big and well-laid out so many people can cook at the same time.
It has lovely light all throughout the downstairs.
The dishwasher [haven't had one in years].
The Color of the Dining Room [A sort of dusky plum].
Plenty of Room for visitors [stop in!]
Plenty of Room for visitors [stop in!]
Favorite Grocery Store:
Favorite Farm Stores/Stands:
Smiling Hill [Milk and Ice Cream], North Scarborough
Windy Hill [Pumpkins, Meat, etc], Wyndham
Favorite Place to Buy Local Food:
Rosemont Bakery
Research Fellowships Won to work on my new book Maine/Modern:
One month at the Beinecke at Yale
Three Weeks at the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona, Tucson
Best thing about working and teaching at USM:
My unpretentious and very interesting students
How many feet off my PR I currently am in the hammer throw:
At least 25 [only about 6 in the weight throw, though], but it's fun to be throwing again!
Favorite New Class I Taught:
History of Maine
Best Track and Field Purchase of 2008:
My awesome black and silver Nike Zoom Rotational Throwing Shoes [They rock!]
Favorite New Game I Played:
Rummikub [new for me that is]
And Finally, My Favorite Photographs that I took this year:
Happy 2009 to All!
Addendum Lists [After Reading Megan's]
Things I'm most grateful for this year:
Getting a tenure-track job [that technically happened in 2007, but started in 2008]
No melanoma recurrences
Our lovely new home
My super husband
My family
Kate moving back to the east coast ;)
A continuing friendship with Jonathan and Chris from Santa Fe
Things I'm most proud of this year:
My ever-increasing knowledge about Maine
Getting 2 new fellowships [and maybe more]
Deciding to move on from revising my dissertation and work on my new book instead
Sticking to [most of the time] Steve's budget